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Congress Puts on Capes to Save the Internet: Prepares to Battle FCC Over Net Neutrality!
Congress Puts on Capes to Save the Internet: Prepares to Battle FCC Over Net Neutrality!

Congress Puts on Capes to Save the Internet: Prepares to Battle FCC Over Net Neutrality!

In a plot twist no one saw coming, Congress has decided to swoop in and save the internet from the dastardly clutches of the FCC. Armed with the mighty power of the Congressional Review Act (CRA), our caped crusaders are ready for battle. Leading the charge is Ed 'The Equalizer' Markey who has vowed to introduce the CRA resolution, a giant legislative sword that can block any villainous agency decision, no filibusters needed! With only 30 signatures required to force a vote, it’s like getting an invite to the most exclusive club in town. Susan 'The Shield' Collins and Doug 'The Deflector' Jones are ready to tag-team, needing just one more heroic Republican to flip for the bill to pass the Senate. But hold your confetti; the final boss, President Donald 'The Veto Master' Trump, could still squash the resolution. However, this battle allows every senator to reveal their true colors before next year’s elections. The CRA, originally forged by Newt 'The New World Order' Gingrich, was meant to slay regulations in the 1990s but now stands as a weapon to protect regulations – and save net neutrality. For those curious about the CRA's magical powers, an ancient document can be found here. Meanwhile, local meshnet builders are standing by to construct a resistance network, ensuring that the internet stays free and open for all. If meshnet has you scratching your head, fear not, just imagine your neighborhood as a gigantic WiFi party where everyone brings their own router. So, call your Congress members! Shout from the rooftops! Make memes! Only together can we save the interwebs from this gnarly, nonsensical net neutrality nightmare!
In a plot twist no one saw coming, Congress has decided to swoop in and save the internet from the dastardly clutches of the FCC. Armed with the mighty power of the Congressional Review Act (CRA), our caped crusaders are ready for battle. Leading the charge is Ed 'The Equalizer' Markey who has vowed to introduce the CRA resolution, a giant legislative sword that can block any villainous agency decision, no filibusters needed! With only 30 signatures required to force a vote, it’s like getting an invite to the most exclusive club in town. Susan 'The Shield' Collins and Doug 'The Deflector' Jones are ready to tag-team, needing just one more heroic Republican to flip for the bill to pass the Senate. But hold your confetti; the final boss, President Donald 'The Veto Master' Trump, could still squash the resolution. However, this battle allows every senator to reveal their true colors before next year’s elections. The CRA, originally forged by Newt 'The New World Order' Gingrich, was meant to slay regulations in the 1990s but now stands as a weapon to protect regulations – and save net neutrality. For those curious about the CRA's magical powers, an ancient document can be found here. Meanwhile, local meshnet builders are standing by to construct a resistance network, ensuring that the internet stays free and open for all. If meshnet has you scratching your head, fear not, just imagine your neighborhood as a gigantic WiFi party where everyone brings their own router. So, call your Congress members! Shout from the rooftops! Make memes! Only together can we save the interwebs from this gnarly, nonsensical net neutrality nightmare!
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